germany | War History

The Female Reporter Who Told The World: 1,000 tanks massed on Polish border, Ten divisions reported ready for swift stroke

On the 10th of October, 2015, Clare Hollingworth went to the Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong. An honored member, Clare has visited the club…

Germany Still Paying Pensions For WWII Spanish Volunteers Who Went To War For Hitler

In 1962 Germany came to an agreement with the Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco, that Germany would support volunteers that signed up to fight for Hitler,…

Russia’s excellent war movies to feature in Australian film festival

WWII was a period of great horror for the military and people of Russia. At least 20 million people are believed to have died when…

PANZER – The German Tanks Encyclopedia – Review by Mark Barnes

This is the first book I have seen from this publisher from sunny Aix-en-Provence and if they’re all like this l want to see many…

Twin brothers separated during World War Two reunited for first time

Twin brothers separated during World War Two have been reunited for the first time this year. Polish twins, George Skrzynecky and Lucian Poznanski, who are…

The Man Who Broke In And Out of Auschwitz, Not Once But Twice, Died Aged 96

A World War Two veteran and prisoner of war has died aged 96. Denis Avey controversially broke in out of Auschwitz, not once but twice!…

New Indian Ice Cream Uses Hitler as Brand Ambassador


[Via] A new ice-cream to hit India’s streets is called the Adolf Hitler and has sparked anger and frustration in Germany and the rest of…

Would you go back in time and kill Hitler?

The conference room at the Wolf’s Lair soon after the July 20th 1944 assassination attempt, via Wikipedia Most people would make killing Hitler their first…

New book tells story of Women’s Auxiliary Air Force

A new book about the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) is being released to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, which…

The Code Breakers of the First World War – An Exhibition at Bletchley Park Honors the Secret Heroes

code breakers

[Via] The First World War was all about information and right move at the right time. Every nation and empire involved in the conflict worked…

10 Astonishing Present Locations You Can Now Run Into The Berlin Wall

Where’s the Berlin Wall now? Little of this wall, which once separated the East Berlin and East Germany from West Berlin remains in its original…

Russia continues to honor Allied soldiers for Arctic Convoys

Russia continues to honor the Allied Sailors who risked their lives and took part in the Arctic Convoys during World War Two. Ever since World…