Cold War | War History

Soviet Maps of the Cold War

For decades two super powers of the world locked their horns in a seemingly idiotic and potentially catastrophic tussle, and kept the civilized world on…

Operation Fire Power (1954)

A Show of American Fire Power! Air view, bombs falling and exploding in line across ground (several shots). SV F 84 thunder-jet rocket and bomb…

10 Astonishing Present Locations You Can Now Run Into The Berlin Wall

Where’s the Berlin Wall now? Little of this wall, which once separated the East Berlin and East Germany from West Berlin remains in its original…

Color Footage Of How Nukes Were Tested On Marines

The most terrible weapon ever created is, of course, the nuclear bomb. During the Second World War, both the Allies and Nazi Germany were working…

Film: Behind Enemy Lines – The REAL Story & Why The Pilot Sued 20th Century Fox

He was shot down, hunted, and eluded his enemies by surviving on bugs and worse. Hollywood made a movie, and he sued the movie-makers. Scott…

Top Secret – Tito’s Nuclear Shelter – By Edin Hardauš

Yugoslavia was in a difficult situation at the end of WWII. The country was destroyed, devastated and robbed. Post-war reconstruction of the country implemented slowly…

Mutual Assured Destruction – 10 Blood Chilling Things You Need To Know

As a doctrine of national security and military strategy, Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) involves the full-scale usage of weapons of mass destruction by at least two opposing…

Amazing Pictures Of The Royal International Air Tattoo – By Phil Royal

Vulcan XH558 banking As readers may be aware, the Vulcan to the Sky Trust have announced that this year will be the final flying season…

The Threat of Nuclear War

As Japan commemorates 70 years since the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the threat of nuclear weapons is ever present. Since the…

Cold War Nuclear Bunker Uncovered in Kent, UK

A secret Cold War bunker in Medway in the English southern county of Kent has been re-opened after being abandoned for years. The bunker was…