allies | War History

For Lt. Col. Merritt, WWII only lasted 6 Hours: Enough Time For Him To Pick up a Victoria Cross at Dieppe

It is a fact that wouldn’t escape this Victoria Cross recipient as he spent the next 3 years in German captivity, but the truth is…

Auschwitz Survivor Is Officialy Recognized As World’s Oldest Man

The Guinness World Records has certified an Israeli Auschwitz survivor as the world’s oldest living man. Yisrael Kristal was born in 1903 near Zarnow, Poland,…

Hitler’s Final Days Revealed: Eyewitnesses Recount the Nazi’s Death in Unearthed Footage

A new documentary called The Day Hitler Died contains never-before-seen interviews with those who surrounded Hitler during his final days. When World War Two came…

In WWI, Tommies Spent Half Their Time On The Frontline And Came Under Fire Once Every Five Days

Operation War Diary is a project, started three years ago, by the National Archives in Britain. The aim of the project is to digitise the…

82nd Airborne D-Day Paratrooper Returns to Normandy, For The Last Time?

Ralph Ticcioni’s first taste of France and all things French was of a barn roof – his parachute had caught on the weather vane! It…

German WWII atrocities in Greece

Italian troops attempted an invasion of Greece in October 1940, but the Greek army pushed the invaders back across the border into Albania. Germany intervened to…

Amazing Tank Factories Of WWII

During World Wars One and Two tank manufacturing was big business. The British first referred to tanks as ‘landships’ and the government set up a…

World War One Muslim memorial plans drawn up

Plans for a new Muslim memorial to honour and remember hundreds of thousands of soldiers of Muslim background who fought for the Allies during World…

Irish Woman Receives Bletchley Park Medal For Her Help Breaking German Military Codes

A woman from Ireland will receive a medal for the work she did during World War Two as a translator and analyst at the code-breaking…

New eye-witness account sheds light on who killed the Red Baron

Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, also known as the Red Baron, was a feared and celebrated German fighter pilot during WWI. He was considered an…

Exploding Rats, Anti-Tank Dogs, Mini Subs, Guided Bombs And More, a list of the strangest weapons of WWII

World War Two required the production of weapons on a massive scale. The war was also a time when weapons research and development took center…

Could the Nazis have conquered the United States?

Considering some of the different outcomes that could have happened during World War Two, historians and researchers have looked closely at how and what would…