WWI centenary | War History

The Poppies and the Great War: How these Flowers Became the Symbol of WWI

As Remembrance Sunday neared, poppies, the flowers that came to symbolize the fallen of the Great War, once again doted the lapels of many in…

Remembering the Teenage Soldiers of the Great War

As much as 250,000 young boys with ages under 18 enlisted in the British Army and fought in the front lines of the Great War.…

10 Uncommon WWI Facts

In honor of the one-hundred-year-old war, here are ten uncommon WWI facts — some seemingly weird writers did not include them when writing down the…

Italy: Pope Francis Describes War as Madness in His Visit to WWI Monument

“War is madness”… These were the words of Pope Francis when he spoke at Italy’s biggest war memorial in Redipuglia. The pontiff also pointed out…

HMS Pathfinder, the U-Boat’s First Casualty, Commemorated

On the exact 100th-year anniversary of the sinking of the HMS Pathfinder, the first ship sunk by a German U-boat, divers swam 220 feet underwater to its…

Viewer Power for an Interactive Episode in BBC’s ‘Our World War’

The BBC drama series Our World War launched an interactive episode, which gave viewers the power to control how the plot will go. The edition of Our World War,…

WWI’s Cuddly Yet Brave ‘Soldiers’ – Cats

It was not only the men who went into service when the Great War broke out in 1914; cats did, too. These lovable and very…

Imperial War Museum Revamps WWI Exhibits

Ian Harvey
Imperial War Museum

The Imperial War Museum in London has updated one of its oldest features, a presentation on the WWI, and created a number of new presentations…

Global Leaders Celebrate the WWI Centenary

Ian Harvey
WWI centenary

It has barely been two weeks since the beginning of the WWI centenary, and many have begun to attend celebrations and other such ceremonies in…

Former army sergeant Passes Away at Greek Memorial

Ian Harvey
Greek memorial

Arthur Jones, a former army sergeant, has passed away at the foot of a Greek memorial. He had hiked to the site in the midst…

The Great War Outbreak in Rare Footage

The Telegraph shares a rare vintage reel which captures the Great War outbreak. Starting with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which occurred on June 1914…

Altar Frontal Created by Injured WWI Soldiers

Ian Harvey
altar frontal

An altar frontal that was once used by St Paul’s Cathedral in London is now seeing use once again for the first time in decades.…