World War 1 | War History

The Last Great Cavalry Charge of WW1: The Jodhpur Lancers

During the late 1800s, the Jodhpur Lancers became one of the best-known and most glamorous regiments in India. During the First World War cavalry became…

Everyday Slang That Originated In the Trenches of World War I

Canadian soldiers going over the top of a trench

The English language is constantly evolving, with new words being added all the time. This isn’t a new phenomenon, with terms and expressions from across…

From Conscientious Objector To Medal Of Honor War Hero

Jay Hemmings

York’s battalion was charged with capturing a number of German machine gun positions situated on the other side of a valley. Rare is the pacifist…

Whittling Time Away: Trench Art of WWI

Ostensibly, artillery shells were supposed to be recycled, but their use as an artistic material kept their reuse for war efforts minimal. The scale of…

WWI And The Paranormal: Spooky Tales From The Trenches

Jay Hemmings

Certainly, men who were rendered insane by shellshock sometimes wandered aimlessly about No Man’s Land, screaming incoherently or moaning. Whether you’re a believer in the…

No Artillery Support and a Casualty Rate of 75%: The Australians at Bullecourt WWI

Robert East

Gough ordered 12 British tanks to precede the Australian advance, but many of them were either hit by German artillery of simply broke down. In…

When Six Canadians Were Awarded the Victoria Cross in a Single Battle in WWI

Fighting was often hand-to-hand and even took place underground in tunnels that had been dug in an abandoned chalk quarry. Last month, the Canadian War…

The Destruction of Zeppelin L-15 IN WWI

The anti-aircraft guns worked well. The first zeppelin felled in defense of the United Kingdom succumbed shortly after the emplacement of the anti-aircraft guns. The…

FROMELLES: Considered The Worst 24 Hours of Australia’s Military History

Robert East

Nothing in Australian military history before or since has matched this murderous advance at the battle of Fromelles. Today, Fromelles in northern France is a…

ANZACS: The Australians & New Zealanders at Gallipoli, 1915

Robert East

By the time the Australians left the Gallipoli theater, they had suffered 26,111 casualties, including 8,141 killed in action or dying of their wounds. Australia…

The Fantastic Idea of Dazzle Camouflage

Thanks to dazzle camouflage, submariners often made mistakes because they could not correctly identify the aforementioned data about the ship. Throughout military history, camouflage has…

Monsters of the Sky: The WWI Zeppelin Raids On Britain

Surprisingly each zeppelin was able to travel at around 80-90 mph and carry about two tons of bombs. Today, airships are only really used either…