Modern | War History

WHAT?!! ‘Phantom Ghost Fortress’ B-17 That Landed at an Airfield – NO Crew Were on Board!!

Jack Beckett

A B-17 Flying Fortress landed perfectly at an RAF airbase and completes the full landing pattern as well. The bomber comes to a full stop;…

4 Top Secret Nazi Weapons That Are Still Part Of Our Military Inventory

During World War Two Nazi research and development of military weapons, aircraft, vehicles and equipment took place on a massive scale. These projects were top…

The Last Russian Battlefield of WWII – Remains of Russian and Japanese Soldiers Found on Shumshu Island

After Pearl Harbor, the United States came face to face with the reality of the war and an enemy that almost everyone in the Government…

In 1943 a British pilot made an emergency landing on the Italian island of Lampedusa, only to have it surrender to him

The official story is that in June 1943, as a precursor to the Allied invasion of Sicily, the island was secured without resistance by the Royal…

End of the M4 (75) by World of Tanks


Myths about the role, and perceived anti-tank capability of the M4 Medium, continue to be pervasive.  The idea that US tanks were not expected to…

Soviet Maps of the Cold War

For decades two super powers of the world locked their horns in a seemingly idiotic and potentially catastrophic tussle, and kept the civilized world on…

Did You Know – There Are Still 3 Coded Messages From WWII That Haven’t Been Decrypted Yet, but we are still working on them!

Though World War II ended more than half a century ago, not all of the mysteries of that time in history have been solved. Questions…

The MASSIVE 60cm German Siege Mortar Karl

During World War 2, the Germans were famous for designing and producing mega war artillery. One of the most notable German Mortar Guns was the…

Inside the Jagdpanther by World of Tanks


We return to you from The Tank Museum in Bovington, England with a new episode of “Inside the Tanks”. Our military specialist, Richard “The_Challenger” Cutland,…

Canadian WWI Veteran Was Wounded at Gallipoli Later At Ypres Then His Evac Ship Was Sunk By U-Boat And He Was Taken POW

John Joseph Ryan was a Canadian veteran of both World War One and World War Two. He was born in 1896 in Canada and became…

Vice Admiral Stockdale: “Hanoi Hilton” Beats His Face With a Stool, Cuts His Scalp & Wrists to Stop North Vietnamese Propaganda Attempts

He was a POW for years, and instead of beating up his captors, chose to beat himself up, instead. His reward? To be laughed at…

He Parachuted Out Of His Crippled B-24 Then Killed The Enemy Pilot With A Head Shot From A Pistol

The following story may or may not be true, but the US Army Air Force (USAAF) believes it is. It is about a man who…