2 February 1943 – The End of the Battle For Stalingrad

The largest and bloodiest battle in the history of warfare, the Siege of Stalingrad lasted over five months and resulted in somewhere between 1.7 and…

The Immense Tet Offensive – One Of The Biggest Campaigns In The Vietnam War

In the late evening hours of January 30, 1968, the Vietnamese New Year began. This annual celebratory event, known as Tet, signaled the coming of…

Massive Black Tom Explosion: Imperial Germany’s Secret Sabotage & Terrorist Attacks on America

When Al Qaeda destroyed New York City’s World Trade Center in 2001, many thought it was the first terrorist attack on US soil. They were…

Top 4 Most Decisive Ancient Naval Battles

Ancient naval battles were quite risky; they involved massive investments in money in building ships and trained manpower for rowing and marines. Contrary to popular…

11 Ancient Roman Military Decorations

Like most professional armies, the Roman legions used military decorations to acknowledge superior behaviour. Though few looked like medals as we picture them today, these…

Real Life Air America: The CIA’s Covert Airline Used for Everything, including Drug Smuggling

The United States has lots of airlines: American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, etc. One airline most people have not heard of is Air…

Georg “Bloodhound” Morgen – The Only SS Judge Who Brought Nazis To Trial

When thinking of World War II, there are some undeniable images and individuals that we cannot help but think of: Adolf Hitler and his terrifying…

Killed By Friendly Fire, He Charged Alone Into A Cornfield To Silence Taliban, His Body Was Found Next To 3 Dead Enemies

Jeff Edwards

The Victoria Cross is the United Kingdom’s highest military honor and one of the most esteemed recognitions for gallantry in combat in the global military…

Stalin’s son Yakov Dzhugashvili captured by the Germans. He ‘died’ in a PoW camp

Everyone knows Joseph Stalin, but most aren’t familiar with his familial life, particularly his eldest son, Yakov. The tumultuous relationship between father and son created…

378 Adrianople: Rise of the Barbarians And The Beginning Of The End Of The Roman Empire

The Fall of Rome was an arduous, drawn-out process, lasting centuries in the West to over a thousand years in the East. The so-called “barbarians”…

The Raid: The Failed Son Tay Prison Rescue Mission

Ian Harvey

Shortly after 2:00 am on the morning of November 21, 1970, the night sky near Hanoi was shattered by the roar of planes on their…

Kamikaze Pilots: Japan’s Suicide Squad in WWII

Guest Author

  “Transcend life and death. Eliminate all thoughts about your life and your death. Only then you will disregard your earthly life totally. You will…