History | War History

VC: To Throw His Grenade He Crawled Within 5 Meters of Taliban Sniper When He Was Hit By A Bullet And Killed By His Own Grenade

Not all war stories have a happy ending and, in fact, one might make the case that most do not. This is ever truer when…

P.1000 Ratte – Paper tiger or supertank?

As the beginning of the war swept over Europe, with lightening speed. Hitler felt invincible throughout the first two years of the war. He was…

Four Surprisingly Deadly Battles of the 20th Century

The books of history are filled with stories of wars. History speaks itself for the fact that we have failed at avoiding wars from ancient…

4 Times When Running Away Was the Better Than Standing And Fighting

The Spartan stand at Thermopylae is greatly celebrated, both when it happened and to the modern day. Those men were destined to perish as soon…

8 Things You Need to Know About the 1940 Rotterdam Terror Bombing

The Battle of Rotterdam began May 10th, 1940, and ended with the bombings on Rotterdam May 14th, 1940. German forces saw the Netherlands as an opportune…

“The greatest fighter pilot story of WWII” held off 30 German fighters from attacking a squadron of B-17 bombers for over half an hour

Jack Beckett

During WWII, he single-handedly protected a bomber squadron against German planes… even when he ran out of ammo. They called him the “One Man Airforce”…

Killed By Friendly Fire, He Charged Alone Into A Cornfield To Silence Taliban, His Body Was Found Next To 3 Dead Enemies

Jeff Edwards

The Victoria Cross is the United Kingdom’s highest military honor and one of the most esteemed recognitions for gallantry in combat in the global military…

Did You Know? The Belgian Legion of the French Army

The “Belgian Legion” was a loose term defining the service of Belgian troops in the French Army. The involvement of Belgians in the French military…

The Forgotten Campaign: The WWII Aleutian Islands Campaign

WWII had some very distinct theaters of war. When people think of the war in the Pacific thoughts, go to the sprawling jungles of Guadalcanal…

Alexander Suvorov – The Great Generalissimo Who Never Lost a Battle

History knows Alexander  Vasiliyevich Suvorov as the Russian military general, who fought in 60 battles and won all of them with his brilliant tactics. King…

15 Different types of Animals-at-Arms – Unit Mascots!

Animals were often gladly taken as unit mascots. Pets rarely participated directly in a fight during any battle, but often provided comfort from the monotony and…

10 Things You Need To Know About The Fall of the “Impenetrable” Eben Emael Fortress

After WWI, Belgium, being one of the countries with the highest casualty count, tried to balance between a ravaged economy and the high unemployment rate…