History | War History

7 Very Different Opponents Faced by Victorian British Armies

Maintaining your status as a global power is no easy thing. The British Victorian Army was one of the best equipped and most experienced in…

WHAT?! Sniper who Killed a Taliban Machine Gunner from 8,120 feet away!

A corporal of the Horse and a member of the elite British Household Cavalry unit holds the record for achieving the longest kill shot ever…

Thermopylae, Bunker Hill & 2 Other Pyrrhic Victories Throughout History: Winning isn’t always worth it.

The term Pyrrhic victory can be used where someone technically “wins”, or achieves their objective, but the cost makes the victory almost not worth the…

Facts About Viscount Wolseley: A Controversial Military Reformer

Andrew Knighton

Sir Garnet Joseph Wolseley was one of the most important military thinkers in the Victorian British army. Rising to a position of prominence in the…

5 Of The Bloodiest and Most Devastating Sieges We Tend To Neglect

Siege of Suiyang (757) Up to 100,000 Killed Or Eaten The rebel army of Yan fought against the Chinese Tang army in an attempt to…

The Battle of Omdurman: The High-water Mark of British Imperialism

Andrew Knighton

All through the darkness of the night, a British infantryman waits nervously by the banks of the Nile. The Mahdists, infamously bloodthirsty savages, are just…

Memorial Day – Fast Facts

On Memorial Day, the United States commemorates all those men and women who have lost their lives while serving with the country’s armed forces. Here…

3 Times In History When Discretion Was The Better Part of Valor

In war, standing and fighting in an unfavorable battle is certainly the brave and honorable choice, but it isn’t always the best choice to actually…

5 Insane Historical Generals

Andrew Knighton

A shocking number of military leaders have suffered from mental health issues, even as they held the lives of the men they led in their…

3 Of The Biggest Battles Won By the Englishmen During The Hundred Years War

A major conflict in Europe from the 14th to the 15th century was The Hundred Years War. The House of Plantagenet, respectfully the Kingdom of England, fought…

Last Flight to Kuwait – How British Airways Flight 149 Passengers & Crew Became Saddam Hussein’s Human Shields

Heather Fishel

The sounds of gunfire, of bombs exploding and military combat. Unknown hotel rooms, military and industrial sites, and an abandoned airport. Sudden, random acts of…

3 Effective Tactical Formations Throughout History

The formation of a unit could be decisive in a battle. In a case where all things were otherwise equal, the commander who knew how…