History | War History

The Importance of Army ‘Camp Followers’ Before Modern Day Military Logistics

Camp Followers

Before modern military logistics, armies often relied on camp followers. Camp followers were unenlisted people, usually soldiers’ families or relatives, who willingly traveled with an…

Captain America’s Army Unit Is Real And Still Active Today

The Blue Spaders and Captain America

In 1941 beloved superhero Captain America appeared in a Marvel comic book for the first time. Shown punching the Führer on his debut comic cover,…

The Finnish Stopped Soviet Mines from Exploding by playing a Single Polka Song on Repeat


During both the Winter War and the Continuation War the Finns utilized creative and often outright comical tactics against the more numerous Soviet forces. On…

Godzilla Was Brought To Life by a Japanese POW

Godzilla and Japan - A Spotlight on the Commentary on War

Alongside Superman and Mickey Mouse, Godzilla is one of the most famous fictional characters in history. He has been featured in movies, books, TV shows,…

Henry Breault is the Only Submariner to Receive the Medal Of Honor

Although the mere act of serving onboard a submarine may be considered heroic, the US Navy has only awarded the Medal of Honor to a…

America’s First Code Talkers Were Choctaw Soldiers During WWI

Navajo Code Talkers

To keep their plans a secret from the enemy during the fighting in WWII, the US famously employed Native American code talkers who communicated in…

Did Crocodiles Really Decide the Outcome of a WWII Battle?

Saltwater Crocodile and WWII

When living under the threat of mines, machine guns, snipers, and artillery barrages, it’s easy to imagine that deadly animals are probably the least of…

Disney Drew 1,200 Military Insignia To Keep Up With Demand During WWII

Today the US military is one of the largest in the world by a number of personnel, with over 1.4 million active-duty servicemembers and another…

The Javelin Missile Is Feared And Incredibly Deadly, Here’s How It Works

Javelin Missile Test

The Javelin missile is part of a long line of systems designed to allow infantry to deal with armored targets. This formidable weapon came into…

Simon the Cat Received A Military Honor After Suffering Injuries During the Yangtze Incident

From March 1948 to November 1949, the British frigate HMS Amethyst was accompanied by a friendly cat named Simon. The crew of the ship took…

The Navy Used To Love Flying Boats For Their Versatility

US Navy - Seaplane

Prior to the end of the second world war, flying boats were an important tool for navies all around the world. The US Navy was…

Did A Tornado Spare Washington, DC During the War of 1812?

The White House Burned Down

Usually the British are used to unexpected changes in the weather, but during the War of 1812, the British were caught out by a sudden…