Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

Operation Mincemeat – How the Allies Tricked Hitler to open the gates of Sicily

World War II was fought on battlefields across the globe, with staggering numbers of casualties amassing on all sides. But under the cloak of darkness,…

How a Single Trumpet Changed The Course of a Battle

When the Balkan Powder Keg was lit in 1912, war broke out. The peoples of the Balkan Peninsula were seeking independence from the Ottoman rule…

The Czechoslovakian Tank Industry – How Some of the Best European Tank Designs Fell into German Hands

The inter-war period led to the rapid development of European industries as countries such as Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia became independent and sovereign states for…

The Gulf of Tonkin – How The US Worked Its Way Into The Vietnam Conflict

Ten years after the disastrous defeat of the French Army in its former Asian colony of Indochina, the divided Vietnam once again captured the world’s…

The Invasion of Ethiopia – Mussolini’s Crazy Plan For Restoration of the Roman Empire

Italy arrived a late in the colonial race but tried to catch up rapidly. In 1895, a full-scale war broke out between Italy and Ethiopia over…

The Murky Fate Of Gestapo Chief And Nazi War Criminal Heinrich Müller

A veil of mystery follows the name “Heinrich Muller” since his disappearance in 1945, after the fall of Berlin. Mueller was the head of Gestapo…

Michael Wittmann, the Deadly German Panzer Ace Of WWII

Between the myth and reality lies a figure of great importance in the history of armored warfare. Michael Wittmann, the most successful panzer ace of…

The Death Match – Legendary Game of Death of Kiev vs Germany

Let’s dive into the past when playing football could’ve got you killed. In 1942, in occupied Ukraine, a football match was organized by the Nazi…

VE-Day May Have Officially Ended The War, But It Did Not End All Battles In Europe

Germany finally capitulated on May 8, 1945, leaving Europe in ruins, but in peace once again. First, Alfred Jodl prepared the ground by signing the…

Did You Know? The Belgian Legion of the French Army

The “Belgian Legion” was a loose term defining the service of Belgian troops in the French Army. The involvement of Belgians in the French military…

The English Electric Canberra Bomber: the first UK Jet-Powered Bomber, broke 2 International Records and served for more than 50 years

As the jet propulsion technology was entering the aeronautical scene just after WWII, the British government was keen to produce a light bomber capable of…

Hideki Tojo – Japanese WWII Prime Minister – Controversial To This Day

Hideki Tojo, a general and a politician, was the true representative of the Japanese expansionist policy in China in the first half of the 20th…