Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

Noblemen Who Fought in the French Foreign Legion

Established in 1831, the French Foreign Legion gathers adventurers from all over the world, often ones with a criminal past, who are looking for a…

Capturing “The Heart Of The Fascist Beast” – May 2nd 1945

Berlin, the heart of the Reich didn’t fall easily. The Red Army was pushing aggressively through the German territory, stronger than ever, but the German…

When 20 Canadian Prisoners Were Murdered By The Waffen SS In Normandy – The Ardenne Abbey Massacre

In the early days of the Normandy campaign 20 Canadian soldiers, members of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders and 27th Armoured Regiment (part of the…

Roman Ungern von Sternberg, The Reincarnation Of Genghis Khan In The Bolshevik Revolution

A mystic, a savage sadist, a madman or one of the last cavalry strategic geniuses? This peculiar warlord left an interesting trace in  Asian history.…

The Weird Multi-Tool Weapon That Soviet Cosmonauts Took Into Orbit

If someone told you that Soviet cosmonauts were going to space armed with something that looks like a sawn-off three-barreled shotgun, would you consider it…

The Last Of The Defeated Germans To Surrender In World War Two

Germany finally capitulated on May 8th, 1945, leaving Europe in ruins, but at peace once again. First, Alfred Jodl prepared the ground by signing the…

Korean War: The US Pilot Who Chased a MiG to China To Shoot It Down, then Survived the Hanoi Hilton

James Robinson “Robbie ” Risner was an American military pilot, a double recipient of the Air Force Cross and a hero of the Korean and…

“Impenetrable” – The Fall of the Eben Emael Fortress

After WWI, Belgium, being one of the countries with the highest casualty count, tried to balance between a ravaged economy and the high unemployment rate…

Degenerate Art Exhibition – When Hitler Declared War on Modern Art

Hitler’s views on art were problematic, to say the least. In 1906, he moved from Steyr, where he attended high school, to Vienna, which was…

Adolf Eichmann, the Evil Architect of the Holocaust in WW2

Adolf Eichmann, one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, became an infamous figure after his heavily publicized trial and execution in Israel in 1962.…

In 1935, Mussolini Planned To Form A Foreign Legion To Which Even Jews Applied

It is almost completely unknown, but in the wake of the Second Italo-Abyssinian war, Mussolini was quite keen on making his own equivalent of the…

The Amazing SOE Operation To Kidnap General Heinrich Kreipe From Crete

The Special Operation Executive (SOE) in 1944, planned to conduct a daring mission in Crete. Their initial plan was to kidnap the German commander of…