Vietnam war | War History

John Ripley Faced Enemy Fire for Three Hours to Stop the North Vietnamese Advance

South Vietnamese Marines wading through mud toward a US Navy Patrol Craft, Fast (PCF) + Military portrait of John Ripley

Đông Hà, the northernmost city in South Vietnam, was once bustling with military activity. Home of the 4th Marine Division and a major helicopter base,…

Operation Ranch Hand: The US Military’s Devastating Chemical Warfare Campaign During the Vietnam War

Three Fairchild UC-123B Providers spraying herbicide over a forest

Beginning in 1962 and continuing until ’71, the US military, under the approval of President John F. Kennedy, sprayed well over 19 million gallons of…

Thomas Norris: The Inspiration for ‘Bat*21’ Who Saved Two Downed Pilots in Vietnam

Nguyễn Văn Kiệt and Thomas Norris standing together

It might come as a surprise, given their reputation as fierce fighters, but only three US Navy SEALs received the Medal of Honor for their…

Callously Stolen, Returned With Respect – The Mystery of the Memorial Flag

Nineteen-year-old Seaman Patrick Corcoran died aboard the USS Frank E. Evans during the Vietnam War. His family’s neighbors flew his memorial flag in front of…

A Look at Vietnam War Movies

Hollywood always had trouble with the Vietnam War. The conflict divided the nation and had no easy story line for the screen. In 1968, John…

Australia Brings Vietnam Casualties Home

The first Australian killed in action in the Vietnam War has finally been returned home, more than fifty years after he died. Warrant Officer Kevin…

The Battle I’ll Never Forget – Tony Nadal, Ia Drang Hero and Philosopher

Every Memorial Day, the AARP Studios release a film, this year the film was titled, “The Battle I’ll Never Forget’, and it tells the story…

Australia Repatriating Vietnam War Servicemen

Australia is repatriating fallen servicemen from Malaysia and Singapore in one of the largest such efforts in their history. A guard of honor and flag…

Why were the Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan?


With President Obama’s recent visit to Hiroshima, the question is raised again: why did the U.S. drop the atomic bomb? Was it necessary to convince…

Destroying 2 Enemy Bunkers Alone, Sgt Garcia Saved His Platoon and Earned MoH in the Jungles of Vietnam

We all need stories about heroes fighting through a seemingly hopeless situations, and the grit it takes to get yourself and your friends to safety.…

Korean War: The US Pilot Who Chased a MiG to China To Shoot It Down

James Robinson “Robbie ” Risner was an American military pilot, a double recipient of the Air Force Cross and a hero of the Korean and…

Alcon developing movie “Perfume River”, Set in Vietnam during Tet Offensive

Alcon Entertainment is developing a drama based on events around the 1968 Tet Offensive. The Vietnam War spy drama is titled Perfume River. Alcon optioned…