ETO | War History

One of the Funniest Men Alive, Mel Brooks Spent WWII Clearing Land Mines

The history of war is full of heroes who displayed inexplicable gallantry and heroism under the most harrowing of circumstances.  And then, there are just…

Even Germans Recommended Him For VC: Irish Guard Grabbed The Machine Gun From Disabled Tank, Held Jerries At Bay For 20 Minutes

A nation can desire for a war to be over all they want, but the inevitable fact of war is that the enemy always gets…

One of the Funniest Men Alive, Mel Brooks Spent WWII Clearing Land Mines

The history of war is full of heroes who displayed inexplicable gallantry and heroism under the most harrowing of circumstances.  And then, there are just…

‘The men get 16 hours on the bayonet’ Camp Wheeler Georgia During WWII


  Camp WheeleR, GA. – Basic infantry training has changed since the days when people still thought they were getting out in a year. It’s…