D-Day | War History

THE COVER UP AT OMAHA BEACH – Maisy Battery and the US Rangers. Review by Phil Hodges

Phil Hodges

I’m not usually one for a conspiracy theory. I don’t believe for one minute that Princess Diana was ‘murdered’ by the Queen for example. That…

Britain Celebrates the 70th D-Day Anniversary

Ian Harvey

The 70thanniversary of D-Day is arriving on June 6th of 2014, and Britain is already prepared to commemorate the event. Radio host Chris Evans is…

Princess Anne Takes Part in D-Day Anniversary

Ian Harvey

As the 70th anniversary of D-Day nears, Princess Anne is due in Portsmouth for the commemorations there. Numerous surviving soldiers as well as other current…

A C-47 from D-Day Revisits the Site

Ian Harvey

The National Warplane Museum is home to several key aircraft from WWII, including a Douglas C-47 known as Whiskey 7, which flew during the Normandy…

D-DAY JUNE 6TH 1944 – Following in the Footsteps of Heroes – Review by Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes

This summer’s commemoration in Normandy may well be the last of the kind we’ve seen in modern times. As the decades since the momentous events of…

Jumpers ready for D-Day parachute jump on 70th anniversary commemoration


June 2014 will mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day landings, the start of the end of the Nazi occupation over Europe. It will be the…

C-47 Dakota from WWII Returns to Site of D-Day

Ian Harvey
transport plane

Whiskey 7, a Douglas C-47 transport plane from WWII, is being temporarily removed from the National Warplane Museum, set to once again unleash a storm…

Writer Brings Eve of D-Day Invasion to Life

Ian Harvey

A Massachusetts writer has begun an interesting series of articles on the D-Day invasion based on the experiences of a fictional journalist in the camps…

Normandy features feat of WWII soldiers during D-Day landings


The 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings is just around the corner. And stories of the struggles of soldiers during the war emerge with renewed…

Rare Exhibit To Honour Heroes Of D-Day

Ian Harvey

The last remaining Hawker Typhoon was an important piece of resistance in the invasion of Normandy, on June 6, 1944 and is now set to…

D-Day: Band Of Brothers: Day Of Days

Ian Harvey

Operation Overlord was the code name for the Battle of Normandy, which took place on the D-Day beach landings. The 101st Airborne job there, that…

Normandy, France: A visitor’s Guide For D-Day’s 70th Anniversary

Ian Harvey

These are some of the places you can visit as you commemorate the D-Day landings: D-DAY LANDING BEACHES: One of the highlights of Normandy are…