heinrich himmler - search results

Top 15 Worst Nazis

The Third Reich, which lasted from 1933 to 1945, was one of the most, if not the evilest regime in history. It attracted some of…

Top 10 Facts About SS-Standartenführer Joachim Peiper

Many men, soldiers, and supporters of Hitler and his politics, helped Germany do the damage it did during World War II. One of those men…

Holocaust: The Third Reich and the Gypsies

Before Hitler targeted and mass slaughtered the Jews in what historically went down as the Holocaust, the Third Reich first victimized the Gypsies – the…

Joachim Peiper’s Atrocities Against Allied Troops: When Intimidation Failed

The forces of Nazi Germany are infamous for the atrocities they committed. The SS, who played a dual role, both acting as frontline troops and…

Albert Göring, Despised the Nazi Regime – Saved Countless Jews & Dissidents, Unlike His Brother

Hermann Wilhelm Göring was one of Adolph Hitler’s earliest supporters and the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany. Founder of the Gestapo (the secret…

Albert Speer, The Ambitious Young Architect Who Rose To Prominence Within The Nazi Party

Colin Fraser

In 1931, a young, ambitious architect named Albert Speer attended a Nazi rally in Berlin. Perhaps he was truly captivated by the message of the…

The Warsaw Uprising: The Heroic Final Stand of the Polish Home Army and the Destruction of Warsaw

Colin Fraser

Throughout World War II, the people of Poland were stuck between Nazi Germany and their old enemy the Russians. Occupied by Nazi Germany since 1939,…

Wheatcroft Collection: VERY rare 1939 Mercedes 770K starts its restoration & will be on public view once complete

The Wheatcroft Collection in the United Kingdom is a large and important collection of historical softskin and armoured military vehicles. It is one of the largest…

Georg “Bloodhound” Morgen – The Only SS Judge Who Brought Nazis To Trial

When thinking of World War II, there are some undeniable images and individuals that we cannot help but think of: Adolf Hitler and his terrifying…

Escape From Sobibor Death Camp

The Nazi extermination camp, Sobibór, was located in the modern borders of Poland, in a region which was named Lublin during the German occupation. It…

Edelweiss Pirates: Nazi Germany’s Youth Resistance With Song, Dance And Sabotage

Every generation has its punk rock all-stars and the Edelweiss Pirates, the counter culture to the Hitler Youth, bring that to mind with an added…

Otto Rahn, openly gay, secretly anti-Nazi, Joined The SS In Search For The Holy Grail and Became The Inspiration For Indiana Jones

Otto Wilhelm Rahn was a German writer and medievalist who was obsessed with finding the Holy Grail. This was the cup that Jesus supposedly drank…