War Articles | War History

Leading by Example: John J. Pershing, Prime Mentor for Future US Army Generals

The United States greatest leaders, including Patton, Truman, and MacArthur, spent the formative years of their military careers under the command of General of the…

Punishing the Enemy, Feeding his Men: How General Ulysses S. Grant Changed the Course of the Civil War

General Ulysses S. Grant transformed the way the American Civil War was fought. By shifting to a strategy of “baseless” campaigning he freed himself from…

Make Room in Your Schedule for the CAF Red Tail Squadron Fall Event Line-up

The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Red Tail Squadron, America’s tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen, today announced the event schedule for their remaining 2017 tour of the…

New Video Game: NUMANTIA

Numantia is a TBS (Turn Based Strategy) video game which narrates the events that took place in the Iberian Peninsula during the expansion of the Roman…

Wounded, Promoted, Decorated – Adolf Hitler in the First World War

Adolf Hitler is remembered for the terrible destruction of WWII. Before that, he served with courage in WWI. That first conflict deeply influenced his future.…

This Member Of The Nazi Party Became Known as a Modern Buddha

A “Buddha” is an enlightened being – one who breathes wisdom, goodness, compassion, and mercy. A saint, to put it in Christian terms. In one…

Amiens, 1918 – The WW1 Battle In France Which Sealed Germany’s Coming Defeat

The Battle of Amiens started nearly 100 years ago in Picardy, France, in 1918. The major combat lasted until August 12th and was a success…

The Battle of Stalingrad: The Battle that Broke Hitler

David Herold

It was at the battle of Stalingrad that Hitler met his match, and was dealt a decisive blow, from which he couldn’t recover. The battle was a…

The Devil of Rabaul: Japanese Ace of Aces With 88 Kills Who Died In The Passenger Seat

“In the ocean of the military, reflective of all distinguished pilots, an honored Buddhist person.” So translates the name awarded to Japanese pilot Hiroyoshi Nishizawa…

This Fighter Pilot Saved a Bomber Squadron From German Fighter Attacks For over Half an Hour – Alone

During WWII, he single-handedly protected a bomber squadron against German planes… even when he ran out of ammo. They called him the “One Man Airforce”…

Salon Kitty: The WWII Spy Ring Based in a Brothel

During the peak of the Nazi regime, the Sicherheitsdienst was the Third Reich’s version of the CIA. Founded in 1932, the first leader of the…

Edwin Swales VC: This Lancaster Bomber Pilot’s Sacrifice Saved His Crew

The stories of Victoria Cross winners are always breathtaking, the actions they took are always extraordinary – which is why they have been awarded the…