The Glorious First of June Broke One Of The Rules By Which We Understand Battles

Andrew Knighton

The Glorious First of June broke one of the rules by which we understand battles – that there can be only one winner. After the…

7 Reasons the Conquistadors Beat the Incas

Andrew Knighton

Francisco Pizarro’s conquest of the Incan empire is one of the most extraordinary achievements in military history. In the space of a single day in…

Battles of Attu & Kiska: Retaking The Only US Soil Lost During WWII

In the cold, desolate Arctic near Alaska in 1942, Japanese troops quietly invaded and took over two of the Aleutian Islands, considered to be North…

MoH Leonard A. Funk: U.S. paratrooper who took out 40 Germans in 60 seconds

Jeff Edwards

It goes without saying that many gallant actions of war are often never recorded and lost to the passage of time as they are treated…

12 Ranks of Roman Military Officers and What They Did

The Roman Empire saw one of the first truly professional armies in history, and became the inspiration for European armies that followed it. Though its…

9 Feb 1945: Victory at the Colmar Pocket, Germans Eviction From The West Bank of The Rhine

On 9 February 1945, the last German forces on the west bank of the River Rhine were defeated by the French and Americans. The defeat…

5 Rules of Chivalry and How They Were Broken

In the Middle Ages, chivalry was more than just a name for polite behaviour. It was a set of rules meant to limit the actions…

The Storm That Saved Washington From The British In 1814

Shahan Russell

In 1814, several European armies invaded France to put an end to Napoleon – the very year that the British attacked the American capital, Washington,…

This Is How The Aircraft Carrier USS Oriskany Became The Great Carrier Reef (Watch)

The USS Oriskany had a long and varied time in service before it finally found its resting place as an artificial reef. Named after a battle…

Camouflage California: The Massive Deception of World War II You Have Never Heard of

In February 1942 the United States Navy Monitors had been tracking a Japanese submarine lurking on the outskirts of San Francisco. Several nights after this,…

Frederick the Great, Defeating A Superior Enemy: Leuthen, 1757

Jack Beckett

The snow muffled all sound save the moan of the wind. The winter skeletons of trees showed black against the blank canvas. Grey sky heavy…

“Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell, Rode the six hundred” – By Mistake

The Charge of the Light Brigade was a relatively minor engagement, in a single battle of a rather pointless war, that was put under a…