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Aircraft First Aid Kits

Jack Beckett

These two First Aid Kits belonged to a B-17 from the 303rd Bomb Group. It was lost while climbing to altitude to join the formation…

Spuduka’s Pillbox Upper Thames set


To give some background you have to go back to 1940 when the UK was at risk from Germany invading after the fall of France.…

Rescue of Il-2 M3 at Lake Balaton


In August 2010 we proceeded to the rescue of a Soviet Il-Sturmovik Batalon fallen into the lake (Hungary) after being hit by flak. The unit…

Is Collecting Militaria Glorifying War?


THESE DAYS, the impact of war is thankfully well understood by the mainstream. Remembrance ceremonies happen in many countries including the UK, US and Australia.…

The Tank Museum has a number of vehicles for disposal.


  The Tank Museum has a number of vehicles for disposal. Please click on the PDF link below for further details..

Battle of Britain monument to be built in Doncaster


  Snow – The Double Life Of A World War II Spy tells how the journey of Arthur Owens (pictured) into the world of spying…