Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

Saddam’s Secret Super Gun – Project Babylon

Project Babylon was an Iraqi code name for the construction of a supergun, commissioned by Sadam Hussein in 1988. The engineer in charge of the…

What Happened To Gestapo Chief And Nazi War Criminal Heinrich Müller

A veil of mystery follows the name “Heinrich Muller” since his disappearance in 1945, after the fall of Berlin. Mueller was the head of Gestapo…

Awesome! Red Army War Sleds With Airplane Engines & Guns!

The Winter War of 1939, between Finland and the Soviet Union convinced the Soviets to develop more effective tactics in the so-called “General Winter” conditions.…

When The Allies Attacked Oran And Were Annihilated By Vichy French Soldiers

After the fall of France during WWII, a puppet regime was established, with its administrative center in the town of Vichy, declaring itself The Vichy…

Damn the Torpedoes- Full Speed Ahead

The Battle of Mobile Bay was a naval battle of the American Civil War, which held great strategic importance in the summer of 1864. It was…

The 4 Month Long Battle for Support Station Ripcord

FSB Ripcord Quad 50 1970- photo by Jack Wilhite 2/506 The Vietnam War was coming to its bitter end for the US Army by 1970…

The Youngest Soldier In WWI Was A Serbian Boy, Aged 8

Momčilo Gavrić was the youngest soldier in the First World War. He was born in May 1st, in 1906 in a village near the town of Loznica in…

10 Of The Worst Japanese Massacres of World War II

The Japanese Army during World War II committed many crimes against humanity that were ordered by the government and high command. In the Japanese equivalent…

‘Just’ 10 Japanese Atrocities From World War II

The Japanese Army during World War II committed many crimes against humanity that were ordered by the government and high command. In the Japanese equivalent…

The longest kill shot ever recorded in the history of warfare – Afghanistan, 2009

A corporal of the Horse and a member of the elite British Household Cavalry unit holds the record for achieving the longest kill shot ever…

Top 10 Luftwaffe Airplanes

The Ace Fighter cult came to prominence during the First World War, which was the first conflict that utilized the use of aircraft in a…

Dirlewanger: A child Molester, Violent Alcoholic, Sadist & War Criminal – Was Kicked to Death by His Guards

The notorious 36th Waffen Grenadier Divison of the SS earned its horrible reputation mostly on the Eastern Front where they freely conducted numerous war crimes…