Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

The Pentagon Papers – the secret history of the Vietnam War

In 1967, the Vietnam War was starting to heat up for the US, as its military presence steadily grew up to 500,000 men. The Pentagon…

Mayaguez Incident, The Last Battle of the Vietnam War, 3 Marines Were Left Behind And Executed

When a violent Khmer Rouge regime under the leadership of Pol Pot overthrew the Khmer Republic government, backed by the US, Cambodia was in the…

The long march to Equality – African Americans in the US Military

The term “Buffalo Soldier” refers to African-American soldiers that served in the US Army. At first, the African-Americans fought in the late stages of the…

Adolf Eichmann, the Evil Architect of the Holocaust in WW2

Adolf Eichmann, one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, became an infamous figure after his heavily publicized trial and execution in Israel in 1962.…

In 1935, Mussolini planned to form a Foreign Legion to which even Jews applied

It is almost completely unknown, but in the wake of the Second Italo-Abyssinian war, Mussolini was quite keen on making his own equivalent of the…

P.1000 Ratte – Paper tiger or supertank?

As the beginning of the war swept over Europe, with lightening speed. Hitler felt invincible throughout the first two years of the war. He was…

Did You Know? The Belgian Legion of the French Army

The “Belgian Legion” was a loose term defining the service of Belgian troops in the French Army. The involvement of Belgians in the French military…

10 Things You Need To Know About The Fall of the “Impenetrable” Eben Emael Fortress

After WWI, Belgium, being one of the countries with the highest casualty count, tried to balance between a ravaged economy and the high unemployment rate…

Korean War: The US Pilot Who Chased a MiG to China To Shoot It Down

James Robinson “Robbie ” Risner was an American military pilot, a double recipient of the Air Force Cross and a hero of the Korean and…

Soviet Cosmonauts Went Armed Into Orbit – You Will Be Surprised Why!

If someone told you that Soviet cosmonauts were going to space armed with something that looks like a sawed-off three-barrel shotgun, would you consider it…

Did You Know VE-Day Did Not End All Battles In Europe?

Germany finally capitulated on May 8, 1945, leaving Europe in ruins, but in peace once again. First, Alfred Jodl prepared the ground by signing the…

‘Just’ 10 Japanese Atrocities From World War II

The Japanese Army during World War II committed many crimes against humanity that were ordered by the government and high command. In the Japanese equivalent…