Colin Fraser

Colin Fraser is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Colin Fraser:

The Dawn Of The Submarine: U-9 Sank Three British Cruisers in 90 Minutes

There are many unflattering labels to apply to the disastrous events in the North Sea early in the morning of September 22nd, 1914. Certainly, for…

The Russian KV Tank and Its Crew That Stopped The German Advance for a Full Day

On June 22, 1941, Germany and the Axis powers commenced Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union along a 2,900 km front with a…

The Self Destruct Mission of the Luftwaffe: Operation Bodenplatte – January 1st 1945

For the German Luftwaffe, World War II all but ended on January 1st, 1945 with their last, desperate attempt to strike back against the Ally’s…

The Philadelphia Experiment: The US Navy’s Secret Invisibility Research Program

What kind of technologies do the governments and militaries of the world possess? What highly classified project have the public been blissfully unaware of? Anti-gravity?…

Japanese Admiral Yamamoto – The Architect Of The Pearl Harbor Attack

Isoroku Yamamoto was the Japanese Imperial Navy Admiral and Commander-in-chief who masterminded the attack on Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941. He was hated by U.S.…

The Evacuation of Dunkirk, The Evacuation That Kept Britain’s Hopes Of Victory Alive

The events of May and early June 1940 were equal parts disaster and Miracle. For France, it was a complete disaster – a total military defeat by…

Battle of the Kasserine Pass 1943: Erwin Rommel, The Desert Fox

In late January and throughout February 1943, American troops had their first major engagements with German forces in World War II in Tunisia. It really…

Sinking the Tirpitz, Sister to the Bismarck and the Heaviest European Battleship Ever

The story of the World War II German battleship Bismarck is legendary. The massive warship was destroyed by British ships and planes and then scuttled…

After the Nuremberg Trials, Spandau Prison Was Dedicated To Holding 7 Nazi War Criminals

In the borough of Spandau on Berlin’s west side, there sits a shopping complex on Wilhelmstraße that was once a shopping and leisure fixture for…

Charles Whittlesey, the Commander of the Lost Battalion

Colonel Charles White Whittlesey earned his fame when he was a major in World War I with the American Expeditionary Force. He led a battalion…

The Real Fury: Patton’s Disastrous 1945 Raid to Rescue His Son-in-Law

In February 1943, the U.S. Army had its first major engagement with the forces of Nazi Germany, ending with their disastrous defeat at the Kasserine…

The Nazi Invasion of the Balkans & Yugoslavia – A Costly Victory

In early 1941, Adolf Hitler could look at a map of Eastern Europe and think that his plans were progressing nicely. The invasion of the…