Lucky HMS Belfast Visitors May Find Rare Commemorative Royal Navy Coins in Their Change

The Royal Mint has issued a commemorative Royal Navy £2 coin in remembrance of the Great War. The Royal navy £2 coin is for sale online but if you visit HMS Belfast in London this week, you may be one of the lucky few to find these commemorative WWI coins among your change.

HMS Belfast, a warship converted into a museum, is including some one hundred of the WWI commemorative Royal Navy coins in its till this week. This means that some of the visitors of the warship-museum will find the rare Royal Mint coins in their change.

According to the Royal Mint’s director of commemorative coins and medals, Shane Bissett, the WWI commemorative Royal Navy coin looks back at the contribution the said force extended during the Great War. It can be remembered that the Royal Navy kept Britain supplied and its front lines reinforced throughout the First World War up to its end.

Bissett added that the Royal Mint believes the run of some one hundred WWI commemorative Royal Navy  £2 coins is a fitting tribute to its role during the Great War and release them through the HMS Belfast shop.

On the other hand, collectors can get the commemorative Royal Navy coin at the Royal Mint website for £10. The design featured on the coin is by military artist David Rowlands and depicts a battleship of the Royal Navy.

Additionally, a wider run of coins, showing the Queen’s latest portrait, reportedly gets released later this year.

Rare Royal Navy Coin I
[Photo Credit: The Royal Mint]

Nevertheless, a spokeswoman for the coin auctioneers Spink conveyed that those HMS Belfast visitors who get their commemorative Royal Navy coins through their changes get the best value compared to those collectors who bought theirs online.

According to her, the more rare the coins are, the more valuable they become to collectors. Those coins mass made by the Royal Mint, which is always the case, are only worth their face value. She even pointed out that those who want to resell their commemorative Royal Navy coins may want to wait for a while before doing so. She cited the example of how there were special issues during the Victorian period and how now, these coins are rare collectors’ items with high values.

Heziel Pitogo

Heziel Pitogo is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE