planes | War History

From Bi-plane To Cutting Edge Stealth – The Invincible Sky Warrior

Conan White

Ever since the beginnings of warfare, reconnaissance has always had a vital role to play in understanding and defeating an enemy. At first reconnaissance was…

Barking Mad Major Straps Bazookas To Airplane. Goes Tank Hunting!

Jay Hemmings

War is a significant driver of rapid technological progress and innovation. This principle doesn’t just apply to the superpowers with access to teams of scientists…

The Flying Aircraft Carriers The Cursed USS Akron class Airships

Conan White

Airship travel is one of the technologies that designers keep returning to, believing its potential has yet to be fully realized. Even today the British…

Revealing the Ineffectiveness of Early British Night-Bombing Raids

Before World War II began, there was a general acceptance that the strategic bombing of cities and industrial areas would be a major factor in…

Fire Against Fog: How the British Dealt With One of the Most Disruptive Aviation Challenges

Fog has always been a disturbance to aviation. Canceled flights, delayed landings, and of course, plane crashes have on many occasions been attributed to fog. No…

Work Has Started on Life-Size Lancaster Bomber Sculpture

Ian Harvey

Thousands of people driving the A46 road in Lincolnshire, England, will one day be able to catch a glimpse of a Lancaster Bomber, one of…

Short-Lived & Largely Forgotten Westland Whirlwind

If you were asked to name a cannon-armed, twin-engine heavy fighter in service with one of the combatant nations during the Battle of Britain, you…

Incredible Thirty Eight C-47’s to Cross the Channel to Mark D-Day 75th

Ian Harvey

On June 5, 2019, thirty veteran Dakota aircraft will take off from former RAF Duxford in Cambridgeshire to deliver hundreds of parachutists to the skies…

Phantom Fortress: The Crewless Landing of a B-17

Fortress Flying bomber

On November 23, 1944, a Royal Air Force antiaircraft unit stationed outside Cortonburg, Belgium observed a B-17 Flying Fortress flying towards them. The massive U.S. Army…

A Fascinating Look at the Men & Machines of RAF Bomber Command

Elly Farelly

Members of the Royal Air Force (RAF) formed the majority of the Allies’ Bomber Command during the Second World War. They played an important role…

Pilot Rammed an Italian Bomber Then Arrested the Surviving Crew With Just His Pistol

Conan White

On May 22nd, 1939, fascist Italy signed a treaty called “The Pact of Steel” with Nazi Germany. This promoted stronger ties between the two countries,…

The boys thought the airmen were waving back,in fact, they were trying to warn them the plane was about to crash

Ian Harvey

Just because something traumatic happens in childhood doesn’t mean the trauma won’t endure as a child matures. No matter how much time elapses, incidents can…