These 3 British SOE Women Helped Win WWII – 2 Survived, 1 Was Cremated Alive

During WWII when the men were out fighting on the front line, women were performing some pretty heroic acts of their own. As March is…

Get Out of Jail Free – How Monopoly Helped Allied POWs Escape

Imagine the following scenario: you’re with the Allies during WWII. Fortunately, your side eventually won. Unfortunately, you’ve ended up in a Nazi POW camp before…

Five Countries Who Fired Missiles At SR 71 Blackbird (Watch)

The United States Airforce developed an aircraft in the 1960s that was capable of flight more than three times faster than the sound coming from…

Top 7 Most Daring WWII Raids In Europe

Desperate times call for desperate measures, high risk commando and paratrooper mission were conceived and executed. Not all were successful but the skill and bravery…

4 Reasons the Romans Went to War

Ruthless conquerors and efficient warriors, we remember the Roman legions as a force that swept across Europe and the Mediterranean, crushing everything in their path.…

An Unexpected Partnership: Nazi Germany and the Republic of China

Look at these photos – a Nazi German officer and Wehrmacht troops, right? Wrong. A quick first glance at these photos would have most military…

Researchers Locate The Real Blackadder Namesakes in World War I Records

On the 100th anniversary of World War I, a military genealogy site has found an actual Captain Blackadder, a Private Baldrick, a Lieutenant George, and…

Last Uniform of Adolf Hitler Sold for £213,000 During Secret Nazi Auction

An Argentina-based buyer spent almost half a million pounds to purchase the uniform and some additional souvenirs. A leading Jewish group has voiced their upset…

Japanese Aircraft from World War II Found off Coast of Kuril Islands

The  Russian Geographical Society (RGO) and the Russian Defense Ministry found a Japanese World War II aircraft during a joint expedition to the Kuril Islands. The plane was…

Windmill Point – Review by Mark Barnes

Here we are again after a self-imposed absence. The in tray is literally bulging with books to tell you about but I needed a break…

Remains of Sailor Returned Home 74 Years After Pearl Harbor

The Defense Department announced last year that they are making another attempt to identify the remains of men killed aboard the USS Oklahoma when it…

The Battle Of The Somme 100 Years On (Watch)

On July 1, 1916, at 7:30 am, the British infantry began their advance toward the trenches of the Germans. For the first few hours, eight…