Austria Moves to Seize Hitler’s Birth Home

The Interior Minister of Austria has announced a bill that will allow the government to seize ownership of the house that Adolf Hitler was born…

Ambushed Twice on the Streets of Iraq, Johnson Beharry Become the Only VC Recipient of the Iraq War

Jeff Edwards

In modern history, the war in Iraq which began with the 2003 invasion is surrounded by unique controversy that has yet to be fully settled. …

The Tragedy Of The Russian Submarine “Kursk” – A Naval Disaster For Russia In The Year 2000

The Kursk submarine disaster was the largest naval tragedy ever to happen in the Russian Federation during peacetime.  The country had been experiencing a lot of…

The Plot to Destroy Black Tom Island At the WWI Visit of the U-Boat “Deutschland”

100 years ago this month, the U-Boat Deutschland, a German submarine, visited Baltimore on an alleged business venture. It spent a couple of weeks in…

Fromelles and Poziers, two battles sombrely celebrated by the Australians

This month marks the 100th Anniversary of two of the bloodiest battles fought by ANZAC troops in WW1.  These battles, Fromelles, 19th to 20th July…

How 60 Coast Guard Cutters Saved Over 400 Men On D-Day

Gabe Christy

“0530, accompanied invasion barges into shore under severe shelling attacks and with mines going up all around us. 0730, LCF-31 hit by shell 800 yards…

The British Army’s Largest Tank Battle in 25 Stunning Images

Operation Goodwood in Normandy, France was a British offensive against the German forces at the end of July 1944. It is called by some historians…

22 Remarkable and Rare Photos of the Siege of Leningrad!

The Leningrad Blockade is known as one of the deadliest, most prolonged and lengthy sieges in history. Although sieges were an extremely common method of…

How a Single Trumpet Changed The Course of a Battle

When the Balkan Powder Keg was lit in 1912, war broke out. The peoples of the Balkan Peninsula were seeking independence from the Ottoman rule…

The World War I Fatalities Who Were Reported Dead, But Survived

During World War I, many families dreaded a visit from the telegraph boy. A few terse words explaining that their son had died in the…

Discovered Bullet Changes Views On Lawrence Of Arabia

Researchers have new evidence corroborating TE Lawrence’s account of his activities in the Arab revolt 100 years ago. Archaeologists have spent the last ten years…

PATTON AT THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE – How the General’s Tanks Turned the Tide At Bastogne – Review by Mark Barnes

The story of the stand of the 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne is the stuff of legend. It is a story that has received something…