Liquid Fire – How Napalm Was Used In The Vietnam War

The First World War introduced many new weapons to the world of warfare. The first global mechanized war saw the first use of tanks and…

Anne Frank Documentary Was Secretly Screened in Iran

The documentary, Anne Frank: Then and Now, was screened in an Iranian theater for students and their professors. The authorities did not approve of the…

Top Five Infantry Rifles From World War Two (Watch)

This video looks at five of the best the rifles used by the forces that fought in World War II. These are the French MAS-36,…

Hideki Tojo – Japanese WWII Prime Minister – Controversial To This Day

Hideki Tojo, a general and a politician, was the true representative of the Japanese expansionist policy in China in the first half of the 20th…

When the U.S. Army Was Almost Defeated By North Korea

In the summer of 1950, U.S. faced a new threat. The Communist Bloc grew rapidly in 1949 when China opted to join. However, the U.S. still had…

LEGO WWII Display: Battle of Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, in an unprecedented and unprovoked act of aggression, the Empire of Japan launched a full-scale assault on American soil. Their target…

10 Facts – The Battle of Falaise Pocket In World War Two

The landings in Normandy were a major shock for the Allies even though Operation Overlord, which was the code name for the invasion, was thoroughly…

10 Countries Invaded by Fascist Italy and Why They Invaded Each One

From the moment it was unified in the mid-19th century, Italy began to harbor dreams of empire. Under the fascist dictator Mussolini, these dreams were…

Douglas Brent Hegdahl III – “The Incredibly Stupid One”

Imagine that it’s the 1960s. You’re an American POW in a North Vietnamese camp, so you have two options: If you want to live, you…

Five Amazing Facts About Hannibal Barca: Rome’s Most Dangerous Enemy

Hannibal Barca – he crossed the Alps with elephants, supposedly took a sworn oath to forever hate the Romans, and inflicted some of the worst…

Sarajevo Film Festival Deals With Trauma of 1990s Conflicts

The Sarajevo Film Festival has introduced many new elements this year, one of which is the True Stories Market. As a part of the festival’s…

Couple Who Met in Concentration Camp Celebrate Over 70 Years Together

  Sigi and Hanka had practically grown up in labor camps. They were wasting away in the Czestochowa camp in Poland when their eyes met…