Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

7 Funny Tanks That Helped Win D-Day

The landings in Normandy demanded new sorts of hybrid tanks that were capable of fulfilling engineer tasks in order to provide maximum support to the…

The Murky Fate Of Gestapo Chief And Nazi War Criminal Heinrich Müller

A veil of mystery follows the name “Heinrich Muller” since his disappearance in 1945, after the fall of Berlin. Mueller was the head of Gestapo…

Behind Enemy Lines – The 82nd and 101st Airborne On D-Day

The amphibious landings of D-Day were hours away when the first combat missions by the US Army started in France. The invasion of Normandy began…

Gold, Juno And Sword – The British and Canadian Landings on D-Day

Today, the Normandy landings might be most associated with the iconic photos of Omaha Beach, but let us not forget that there were five sectors…

The Gulf of Tonkin – How The US Worked Its Way Into The Vietnam Conflict

Ten years after the disastrous defeat of the French Army in its former Asian colony of Indochina, the divided Vietnam once again captured the world’s…

Greek Fire – The Top Secret Weapon of the Byzantine Empire

During the Middle Ages, the fortified city of Constantinople, the imperial capital of the Byzantine Empire, was considered unconquerable. It was not the city’s large…

The Invasion of Ethiopia – Mussolini’s insane restoration of the Roman Empire

Italy arrived a late in the colonial race but tried to catch up rapidly. In 1895, a full-scale war broke out between Italy and Ethiopia over…

This Man Sent a Threatening Letter to Hitler in 1941 – He Died in a Concentration Camp

In March 1941, The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was in a dire position. Hitler was insisting that the country join the Tripartite Pact, as it served…

Liquid Fire – How Napalm Was Used In The Vietnam War

The First World War introduced many new weapons to the world of warfare. The first global mechanized war saw the first use of tanks and…

Hideki Tojo – Japanese WWII Prime Minister – Controversial To This Day

Hideki Tojo, a general and a politician, was the true representative of the Japanese expansionist policy in China in the first half of the 20th…

WHAT?! Sniper who Killed a Taliban Machine Gunner from 8,120 feet away!

A corporal of the Horse and a member of the elite British Household Cavalry unit holds the record for achieving the longest kill shot ever…

A Pyrrhic Victory For Germany In World War One – The Battle of Jutland

Even though Imperial German Navy was a well-prepared force during WWI, with a considerable amount of powerful vessels, it was still no match for the traditional…