Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

The Dreadnought Battleship Hoax – When A Group Of Students Dressed Up As A Sultan’s Delegation And Fooled The Navy

During the height of British naval dominance, an interesting event took place on board the ship that was to represent all the might of the…

The Gray Ranks – The Fighting Boy-Scouts Of The Polish WWII Resistance

When people think of boy scouts what is the first thing that comes to mind? Setting up a tent? Singing songs around the fire? Wearing…

Elite Italian Shock Troops – The Arditi: We Either Win, Or We All Die

The Arditi were a special Italian shock trooper unit which was most active during the last two years of the First World War. Their name…

The Early Days Of Drones – Unmanned Aircraft From WWI & WWII

Unmanned aerial vehicles, popularly known as drones, are most often associated with airstrikes in modern warfare, but their history goes much further back than that.…

During the Attack on Pearl Harbor, Canada Declared War One Day Earlier Than America

The attack on Pearl Harbor marked the beginning of American involvement in the Second World War. The Japanese provocation, which occurred before any official declaration…

The Six Men Who Were Behind the July 20th Plot to Assassinate Hitler

The July 20th Plot to assassinate Hitler in his Eastern Prussian Headquarters, called the Wolf’s Lair, was probably the closest anyone got to really killing…

These Descendants of Civil War Veterans Still Remember the War Stories of Their Fathers

The American Civil War is today perceived as a hugely important part of the early history of the nation, with its witnesses and participants long…

Saving Private Ryan Depicted War So Realistically That It Triggered PTSD among Veterans Who Watched It

Saving Private Ryan is perhaps the most iconic WWII film ever made. Its depiction of the Normandy landings drew critical acclaim when the film premiered…

Heinz Guderian, The Father Of The Blitzkrieg – The Officer Who Defied Hitler

The military genius of Heinz Guderian remains admirable even today, for it was his tactics that brought Germany its swift victory over Europe in the…

The Angels of Mons – How Religion Helped Boost The Morale Of British Troops In WW1

On 23rd of August, 1914, the British Expeditionary Force was faced with its first real challenge ― the Battle of Mons. Before the battle, the…

The Japanese Diplomat Who Saved Thousands of Lives During WWII

09Chiune Sugihara, better known as Sempo, was a Japanese diplomat who came to prominence during WWII. Sugihara was responsible for saving the lives of thousands…

Five Successful Missions of a Waffen SS Mastermind, Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny was one of Germany’s finest commandos. An engineer by profession, he tried to volunteer for the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), in the year…