Malcolm Higgins

Malcolm Higgins is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Malcolm Higgins:

Four Glaring Historical Errors In Otherwise Realistic War Games

Some of the best video games from recent years have revolved around real wars and historical conflicts, with varying degrees of accuracy. In certain cases,…

These Weapons Caused The Deaths Of The Soldiers Who Used Them

Throughout the 20th and 21st Centuries, military technology has advanced considerably. Along the way, that evolution has taken some disastrous turns, particularly several weapons which proved…

Crazy Impractical German Inventions from World War Two

During WWII, scientists and inventors on both sides of the conflict raced to develop new and terrifying weapons that might tilt the balance in their…

These Video Games Owe Their Success To The Wars Of The Past

The modern games market has never been more diverse, offering a huge variety of titles in a wide range of genres. Many games offer pure…

Fact Or Fiction – Finding out what Really Happened to the Knights Templar

Few military orders throughout history have maintained the same air of secrecy and mystique as the Knights Templar. From their humble origins in the Middle…

Developed In War, These Well-Known Technologies Later Found A Place In Civilian Life

The technology of war is constantly evolving, as old systems are revamped, and new ideas and concepts are created. With two World Wars occurring during…

Famous Celebrities Who Risked Their Lives For Their Countries In Wartime

Many famous actors and entertainers achieved their fame on stage or in Hollywood, but some had eventful and remarkable lives before they entered the public…

These Movies And TV Shows Took Inspiration From By Real Wars

From HBO’s Band of Brothers to Ridley Scott’s, Kingdom of Heaven, many movies and TV shows are obviously based on historical facts. Some have used…

Nazi Zombies – A New Chapter in the Call of Duty Series

Even when shooting for realism and historical accuracy, the developers behind the Call of Duty games have never been known to shy away from fantasy.…

Against All The Odds – Battles Where The Underdogs Won The Day

Outnumbered and outgunned, the underdogs that defeat their enemies through strategy, cunning or pure luck often give us the most compelling stories. Although numerical strength…

Occult And Esoteric Practices – Four Nazis With Dark Links To The Occult

There are few regimes and organizations in European history so universally condemned for their evil actions as the Nazis. Their leader, Adolf Hitler, led Germany…

The U-Boat – Germany’s Ultimate Weapon in the First World War

One of the most terrifying things about naval combat during the First World War was the constant threat of U-boats, hidden beneath the ocean. Germany…