Magna Carta, WWI Royal Navy and Battle of Britain Remembered in New 2015 Coins

The Royal Mint is set to commemorate these three significant events in their new set of 2015 coins — the Magna Carta’s 800th birthday, the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and the role the Royal Navy played during the Great War.

These three new 2015 coins will be introduced in their  50 pence piece-set which is due to come out come March of this year.

The coin commemorating the 75th year of the air campaign which the German Luftwaffe launched against Britain way back in  1940 features three fighter pilots scrambling to get to their Spitfires as bombers crowd the sky.

Meanwhile, the Magna Carta and the WWI ROyal navy coins will both have the value of  £2.

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The  £2 Magna Carta £2 coin, designed by coinage artist John Berhdahl, depicts King John accepting the historical treaty way back 800 years ago — in  1215.

On the other hand, the WWI £2 coin, made by military artist David Rowlands, displays a Royal navy battleship. It can be remembered that the Royal Navy made a great and significant contribution for the victory of the Great War.

Gary Breeze, a stone and wood sculptor, was the one who made the design for the 50 pence piece featuring the Battle of Britain.

The Royal Navy piece of the new set of 2015 coins is part of the Royal Mint’s five-year program on the centenary of the First World War which stipulates that the organization needs to issue £2 coins each year. Each coin needs to represent one of the main forces of WWI and 2015 happens to fall upon the navy.

According to the Royal Mint Head of Historical Services and Director of the Royal Mint Museum, Dr. David Clancy, the Royal Mint does issue new coins every year and they do make special ones that commemorate special and individual themes, thus, the one on the Magna Carta and the Battle of Britain. After all, these events are key moments in British history.

Heziel Pitogo:
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