The Intimidated Ukraine Jews

It was on Tuesday when the second day of Pesach celebration was going on at the Donetsk synagogue when more than hundred people from jewish community came over there to attend the celebration. The time when their prayer got over some of the Jews started to leave the Donetsk synagogue. At this point they were given the pamphlet by three unknown men who were wearing ski mask and holded the flag of the Russian Federation. The pamphlet is addressed to “Ukraine citizens of Jewish nationality”, requesting all Jewish community people to report to the local administrative building and register themselves. And if they not do so then they will lose their citizenship and will be expelled out of the republic. After receiving this pamphlet the Jews of Donetsk became very worried and upset. It reminds them of the 1941 messages when the Nazi army captured Donetsk.

At first it was thought that behind this there was Denis Pushilin the so called “people’s governor” as there was his signature in the pamphlet. But later at his denial of this act it was clear that there was somebody else behind this propaganda. On this incident Denis Pushilin of Donetsk said “Some idiots yesterday were giving out these flyers in targeted areas.” He said that it appear to be the work of some agitators.

President Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said that the reports are “chilling, outrageous and must be universally condemned.”

On Thursday John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State said, “In the year 2014 after all of the miles travelled and all of the journey of history this is not just intolerable, it’s grotesque.”

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Now, here the question arises is that are those pamphlets authentic if yes then it would be a sign of trouble which will create a new phase of anti-Semitic fascism area approximately 60 years after the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz, the Mashable reports.

On Thursday Kerry said, “The parties agreed today that all sides must refrain from the use of violence, intimidation, or provocative actions. And we strongly condemned and rejected all expressions of extremism, racism, and religious intolerance, including anti-Semitism.” The fact is that Ukraine’s Right Sector incorporates extreme nationalists and anti-Semites.

ADL National Director, Abraham H. Foxman said: “We are sceptical about the flier’s authenticity, but the instructions clearly recall the Nazi era and have the effect of intimidating the local Jewish community.”  He also said: “The ADL today condemned the appearance of anti-Semitic fliers in Donetsk, Ukraine, and called on parties involved in the political conflicts in Ukraine to refrain from “cynical and politically manipulative” exploitation of anti-Semitism.”

However, because of all these terrifying incidents the Jews of Donetsk are very worried about their present and future existence. They are now all the time haunted by the feeling of abandonment.

Ian Harvey:
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