Historian Dan Snow to Hold Free WWI Talk at The King’s School

The King’s School administration is inviting everyone, especially students and school staff, to a free lecture on the WWI centenary and school commemorations by well-known TV presenter and historian Dan Snow. The event will be held at The King’s School’s Vanbrugh Theatre on February 25, Wednesday.

Dan Snow’s free lecture will focus on the topic The Centenary of World War 1. Refreshments will be given after the said lecture. Tickets are for free though they need to be booked ahead of time.

Dan Snow is renowned for his many history presentations in BBC. Added to that, he has a regular slot about history on The One Show.

On the other hand, The King’s School is located in Wrexham Road, CH4 7QL Chester, United Kingdom.

For more information regarding this event, just click here.

Heziel Pitogo

Heziel Pitogo is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE