The Wheatcroft Collection in the United Kingdom is a large and important collection of historical softskin and armoured military vehicles. It is one of the largest private collection of military vehicles in the world.
The collection has around 200 items, including more than 130 vehicles, of which 88 are tanks.The majority of the collection is of German, American and British origin, with a smaller number of vehicles from, Japan, France, and Russia. The owner of the collection, Kevin Wheatcroft, has been collecting military vehicles for over 40 years.
The collection is perhaps notable for having a number of extremely valuable and rare Second World War-era German military vehicles, including a number of Panther tanks, one of which is close to full restoration. A number of rare Tiger tanks, both I and II as well as StuG assault guns, Panzer III’s, and a Panzer IV tanks.
The collection is also working on restoring the only surviving German S Boat, the S-130.
The Wheatcroft Collection stumbles across a huge haul of rare German tank, half-track engines and spare parts. Kevin Wheatcroft said
‘This is one of the most significant mechanical finds of recent times and has overnight supplied us with all the engines and gearboxes we need for our current restoration programme’.