Warsaw Uprising | War History

Witold Pilecki Risked His Life for the Polish Resistance By Voluntarily Being Imprisoned At Auschwitz

Two portraits of Witold Pilecki dressed in his Auschwitz prisoner uniform

Witold Pilecki was among the many unsung heroes of the Second World War, and his incredible courage and determination left an indelible mark on history.…

When the Germans Were Chased Out, Poland’s ‘Cursed Soldiers’ Fought to Evict the Soviets

Henryk Wybranowski, Edward Taraszkiewicz, Mieczysław Małecki and Stanisław Pakuła standing together in a wooded area

When discussing Poland during the Second World War, it’s almost impossible to avoid the Polish Underground State. Initially formed to fight against the German occupiers,…

Polish Scouts Risked Their Lives for the Resistance Movement

Polish Scouts sitting atop a tank

Poland was one of the earliest casualties of World War II. After being invaded by Germany, its government fled, leaving citizens to contend with the…

The Man Who Volunteered for Auschwitz – Witold Pilecki

Inmate 4859. The Death Camp Volunteer – Beyond Bravery  Thus, I am expected to describe bare facts only, as my colleagues want it. It was…

Second World War: Warsaw Uprising Given Sound and Colour

Ian Harvey
Second World War

World War II’s Warsaw Uprising has been given sound and colour. The Second World War footage that was shot in black-and-white with no audio has…