heinrich himmler - search results

Franco and Hitler Train Remains Unrestored

Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco met with Adolph Hitler on October 23, 1940, at the Hendaye train station in western France to discuss a potential…

Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

On April 19, 1943, a small group of young Jews began an act of defiance against their Nazi oppressors. They had been forced into the…

Americans increasingly ignorant about the Holocaust – says a report by the Claims Conference

Ian Harvey

Nearly a fifth of American millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is. So says a report by the Claims Conference which was released recently and yet…

Operation Werewolf: The German Resistance An Elite Group Of Military Men Behind Enemy Lines, To Operate Secretly, Using Guerrilla Tactics

In the Autumn of 1944, the Nazis instigated a plan to establish active forces behind enemy lines as the Allies pushed through Germany. It was called…

Alleged Nazi War Criminal May Not Be Extradited

Ian Harvey

The hunt for Nazi war criminals may have succeeded in tracking down another perpetrator but he may never stand trial for his alleged crimes due…

The Book Claimed Coco Chanel Was A Nazi Spy

Jinny McCormick

Coco Chanel is listed as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of the 20th century. She is a fashion icon, of course, as…

The ‘Hitler hotel’: Building where Night of the Long Knives began to be demolished

Ian Harvey

It’s a fairly trite, but otherwise quite true statement that those who fail to remember their past are doomed to repeat it.  Germany isn’t prone…

The Nazi Temple of Doom: Wewelsburg Castle – the SS revered the castle as a place of mystical power

The castle of Wewelsburg overlooks the village of the same name in Westphalia, Germany. It once belonged to the prince-bishops of Paderborn, and after that…

Controversial: These Household Names Worked With The Third Reich During WWII

Jack Beckett

Kodak The famous camera company’s German branch actually used slave labor from German concentration camps. Several European branches of Kodak did extensive business with the…

The Warsaw Uprising: The Heroic Final Stand of the Polish Home Army and the Destruction of Warsaw

Colin Fraser

Throughout World War II, the people of Poland were stuck between Nazi Germany and their old enemy the Russians. Occupied by Nazi Germany since 1939,…

Albert Göring, Despised the Nazi Regime – Saved Countless Jews & Dissidents, Unlike His Brother

Hermann Wilhelm Göring was one of Adolph Hitler’s earliest supporters and the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany. Founder of the Gestapo (the secret…

Stille Hilfe: The organisation committed to supporting SS members facing punishment for their crimes

In the aftermath of World War Two, most of the world wanted to punish those who had upheld the Nazi regime. The shocking revelation that…