heinrich himmler - search results

The SS – One of the Most Infamous Fighting Forces in History

The Schutzstaffel, or SS, was one of the most infamous fighting forces in history. The political shock troopers of the German Nazi party, they were…

Poetic Justice and the Plot to Kill Hitler

Poetic justice is when the good are rewarded and the evil punished. It usually comes about by an ironic twist of fate. It happened to…

A “mentally unstable, violent fanatic” – The Horrific War Record of Oskar Dirlewanger

The word Nazi conjures up rather unpleasant associations, to say the least. When even the Nazis shuddered at the exploits of one of their own;…

Nancy Wake, in WWII – Freedom Fighter, Allied Agent and The Gestapo’s Most Wanted

The books and moments of history are filled with memorable names, courageous figures, and moments of sheer ingenuity. Yet not all names are as well…

The Tragedy of the SS Cap Arcona – WWII’s Titanic

The SS Cap Arcona was a German ocean liner built in the 1920’s for the Hamburg – South America Line. She was Germany’s answer to…

Joachim Peiper’s Atrocities Against Allied Troops: When Intimidation Failed

The forces of Nazi Germany are infamous for the atrocities they committed. The SS, who played a dual role, both acting as frontline troops and…

Reinhard Heydrich, Head of the Gestapo, Who Hitler Called “The Man with the Iron Heart”

Few men in all of human history have been responsible for such monstrous acts as Reinhard Heydrich. The head of the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police,…

Occult And Esoteric Practices – Four Nazis With Dark Links To The Occult

There are few regimes and organizations in European history so universally condemned for their evil actions as the Nazis. Their leader, Adolf Hitler, led Germany…

Ángel Sanz-Briz – The Angel Of Budapest, Who Saved 5000 From The Nazis In WW2

Oskar Schindler is credited with saving about 1,200 Jews during WWII, but he was not alone. Another person would outdo Schindler, despite his unusual background. Although officially…

Joachim Peiper’s Atrocities Against Allied Troops: When Intimidation Failed

The forces of Nazi Germany are infamous for the atrocities they committed. The SS, who played a dual role, both acting as frontline troops and…

Reinhard Heydrich, Head of the Gestapo, Who Hitler Called “The Man with the Iron Heart”

Few men in all of human history have been responsible for such monstrous acts as Reinhard Heydrich. The head of the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police,…

Nancy Wake – WW2 Freedom Fighter, Allied Agent, And The Gestapo’s Most Wanted

The books and moments of history are filled with memorable names, courageous figures, and moments of sheer ingenuity. Yet not all names are as well…