History | War History

The Beautiful American Ship USS Constitution Was Built In 1797 And Is Still Afloat Today

“Old Ironsides”, the USS Constitution, has been through it all and lived to tell about it – as her nickname suggests. Built of a study oak,…

The Stories Behind 10 War Songs Which Should Be Remembered

Jinny McCormick

Every war needs a song, we have collected ten songs from the past 300 years that were popular in war. A trip down memory lane!…

The Man Who Bought – And Wore – A Medal of Honor He Did Not Earn

Military stories vary widely: some are the moments that make history, secure victories or result in resounding losses. Others are merely moments of day to…

“Hell hath no fury…” – The Women’s March On Versailles

Jack Beckett

The city of Paris, in early October 1789, was a like a smoldering fire, just waiting for the gust of wind which would kindle it…

The Disastrous Attack Which Led To George Armstrong Custer’s Last Stand

Andrew Knighton

George Armstrong Custer is one of the most infamous figures in American military history. A cavalry commander whose style was based on instinct and showmanship…

‘Mad’ Jack Churchill – The Only Man To Kill An Enemy Soldier With A Longbow In WW2

To those he fought beside, Jack Churchill seemed like a man without fear, but to those he faced in combat, he was a terrifying figure,…

Air America – Run By The CIA, This Controversial Covert Airline Was Used Extensively During The Vietnam War

The United States has lots of airlines: American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, etc. One airline most people have not heard of is Air…

The Tragic Shooting Down Of An Iranian Passenger Jet In 1988, And The Far-Reaching Consequences

In 1988, a US warship shot down an Iranian commercial plane, killing all onboard. The American captain and his crew were hailed as heroes, Scotland…

John Glenn, Inspirational Astronaut And Senator Who Flew Combat Missions In Korea And World War Two

John Glenn, born July 18, 1921, was the oldest living former U.S. senator until his death on December 8. Before his 25-year career in the…

93-year-old Veteran Takes His Chance To Fly In A Cessna L-19 “Bird Dog” Once Again

93-year-old Preston Hyde is still pretty spry. He can take stairs with ease and continues to drive a car.”I never drank or smoked, and I…

After WW2, The Jewish Brigade Was Formed – They Gave New Hope To Jewish Refugees In Europe

In the spring of 1945, a new unit arrived on the British lines in northern Italy: His Majesty’s Jewish Brigade Group. Made up Jewish volunteers…

The Duke Of Marlborough Was A Very Successful General – He Was Adaptable, Cunning, And He Looked After His Men

John Churchill, the First Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722) is perhaps the greatest commander in British military history. Leading British troops on the continent in the…