Britain’s Princess Anne Travels to Russia to Commemorate the Bravery of WW2 Arctic Convoy Sailors

Struggling to remove heavy ice off the decks of your ship while it is dangerously rolling in the icy waters of the Arctic is neither…

Veterans and Vehicle Enthusiasts Rally Round to Restore 95-Year-Old American War Hero’s 1967 Mustang

Ladies, we are told, bond with their cats, men are more likely to be crazy about their sport, but the real love of some men’s…

100 Years After The Battle of Jutland, Coincidence Reveals A Story Of Heroic Rescue Against All Odds

It is quite remarkable how strange and wonderful coincidences do occur, such as, for example, the ones experienced by 77-year-old David Morgan. David had known…

We Pick Our Top 10 Funniest Scenes from War Movies

Damian Lucjan

Ladies and Gentlemen, we proudly present to you a list of 11 funny scenes from War Movies! As we all know, war is brutal, sad,…

Promotion And Controversy – The Meteoric Rise Of US General Mark W. Clark

Jeff Edwards

Granted, many in modern Texas may have never heard of General Mark W. Clark, also known as General Marcus Aurelius Clarkus by his subordinates.  But…

When A Bloody Medieval War Was Fought Because Of A Bucket Full of Treasure

Shahan Russell

In 1325, two armies clashed near what is today the Italian town of Castello di Serravalle in the region of Emilia-Romagna. It was a huge…

Five Facts Video Feature – The Powerful M4 Carbine Assault Rifle

Joris Nieuwint

The M4 Carbine is the primary infantry weapon of the United States Armed Forces. It replaces the M16 Assault Rifle, which is longer and heavier.…

Cab Drivers in London, England Help Keep WWII Veterans in Touch With Their Past

The London Taxi Benevolent Association was established after the end of World War II in 1947. The charity’s mission is to take veterans on outings…

Saving the Location Where Robert Capa took One of the Most Iconic Photographs of WW2

The small apartment where Robert Capa’s “Last man to Die,” photograph was taken has been saved from demolition by a combined effort of Leipzig residents,…

The Extinguished Flame – Olympians who died during WWI and WWII

Ian Harvey

The Extinguished Flame, written by Nigel McCrery and published by Pen and Sword is due for release on the 14th October 2016. This meticulously researched…

16th Irish Division from First World War Commemorated in France

Ian Harvey

The 16th Irish Division was commemorated in France on the 100th anniversary of their participation in the Battle of the Somme during World War I.…

Alaskan Town Wants to Buy Cold War Antennae to Create Unique Attraction

Ian Harvey

The Northwest Alaskan city of Nome has an idea for a unique tourist attraction. A cluster of communications antennae, built during the Cold War to…