Ancient History | War History

The Shield of Rome: Fabius Cunctator

Many generals are overshadowed or underappreciated for what they did for their state; Belisarius who reconquered much of the lost Western Roman Empire and Tamerlane,…

Alexander the Great’s Elite Hand-Picked Expert Troops: Silver Shields

Alexander the Great was one of the most talented generals who ever existed, but he was helped a great deal by his exceptional army. While…

5 Kings Who Made Sparta a Military Great

The Kingdom of Sparta is one of the most famous city states of ancient Greece. The harsh military upbringing given to its male citizens has…

Single Combat in Ancient Rome

David and Goliath, Hector and Achilles, Romulus and Acro. Great instances of single combat are not limited to these far distant and historically vague events.…

The Siege of Masada: Rome’s Assertion of Authority

During Rome’s centuries as a growing empire it faced countless rebellions and challenges to its dominance of the Mediterranean, the old Italian allies even revolted…

The Sword of Rome: Marcus Claudius Marcellus

All three of the Punic Wars were won by Rome, and the third war saw Carthage’s complete destruction, but there were periods where the Romans…

Leonidas I, Sparta’s Greatest Warrior King

King Leonidas I is the most famous general in the history of Sparta, and perhaps the whole of Greece. Disappointingly little is known about the…

6 Reasons Why the English Should Have Lost at Agincourt

The Battle of Agincourt is an iconic moment in English military history. On 25 October 1415, an army of English raiders under Henry V faced…

How Caesar Defeated 250,000 Gallics Coming At Them From Two Sides With Only 60,000 Legionnairs

Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars had been raging for over five years when his legions faced their greatest test at the double siege of Alesia, a…

The movie 300 has way more historical value than you might think

Many people would scoff immediately after reading this title, but the almost ten year old movie 300 really does have a lot to contribute to…

Behind Enemy Lines; the March of the 10,000 Greek Hoplites

After defeating Xerxes’ mighty invasion in 479 BCE the Greeks enjoyed a fearsome reputation as powerful warriors, able to defeat armies many times their size.…

Mystery Ulfberht Viking sword has archaeologists stumped

More than 170 swords bearing the “ULFBERHT” inscription have been found in several European countries, mainly in Norway, Finland, Estonia and Latvia. There are fewer…