William Mclaughlin

William Mclaughlin is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by William Mclaughlin:

Hannibal Barca was Rome’s Greatest Enemy – But He Couldn’t Win the War for Carthage

Hannibal Barca inflicted one of the worst defeats ever suffered by the Roman army at the battle of Cannae. Nearly 70,000 men were killed in…

Massive Engagements Of Ancient Warships – The Most Decisive Ancient Naval Battles

Ancient naval battles were quite risky; they involved massive investments in money in building ships and trained manpower for rowing and marines. Contrary to popular…

Into The Jaws Of Death, Into The Mouth Of Hell, Rode The Six Hundred – By Mistake

The Charge of the Light Brigade was a relatively minor engagement, in a single battle of a rather pointless war, that was put under a…

Isandlwana 1879: Spear-wielding Zulu Warriors Surround and Destroy British Riflemen

During the 19th century, the sun did not set on the globe-spanning British Empire. It was not an inherently evil institution, and many good was…

Jan Žižka: The Blind and Undefeated General of the Hussite Wars

Few generals throughout history can say that they were undefeated over their career, fewer still can be credited with doing so with a mob of…

Custer’s Controversial Battle of Little Bighorn

It is generally accepted that the Native Americans suffered terribly from the western movement of White Americans, but it is a misconception that all Native Americans…

Trafalgar: The Destruction Of Napoleon’s Navy That Saved Britain From French Invasion

Early on in the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon had grand plans to invade Great Britain. Conquering that region would leave him free to pursue other conquests…

Marcus Agrippa: Augustus’ Little Known Right Hand Man Who Knew How to Limit his Ambitions

Octavian Augustus was the first actual emperor of Rome; Caesar had held the dictatorship but was murdered a few years into his rule. Ambitious men…

Winning Isn’t Always Worth It – Pyrrhic Victories Of Military History

The term Pyrrhic victory can be used where someone technically “wins”, or achieves their objective, but the cost makes the victory almost not worth the…

The Element of Surprise – Totally Effective Surprise Attacks in Military History

Surprise attacks and ambushes can turn the tide of war. More often than not, the side that has the larger base of industry or manpower…

Halting the Northern Crusades: 1410 Battle of Grunwald

The Crusades were monumental military efforts to secure Christian Holy lands around Jerusalem. Two orders of warrior monks, the Templars, and Hospitallers, had great successes…

Akbar’s Trap: The Khyber Pass Massacre

In the mid-19th century, the Great Game was played out between the Russian and British Empires, primarily for control of Asia. The two powers sought…