Guest Author

War History Online welcomes many guest authors who share their knowledge of the history on our pages. We work with various museums, historical societies and media outlets around the world. If you are interested in working with us or have a great story, please get in touch.

Articles by Guest Author:

Guest blogger Alex Kershaw: Liberation of Dachau Part I

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau on April 29th, Alex Kershaw has sent us an extract from his book The Liberator …

Tank Crews in WWII – Who Did What in a Tank

Tank Crews

Tanks have certainly played a large role in mechanising modern warfare. Their significance for both the First and Second World Wars cannot be underestimated, and…

Dan Snow: Second Battle of Ypres – The Dawn of Chemical Warfare

100 years ago this week my great grandfather was serving in the Ypres Salient. On 22 April at 5pm he noticed, ‘a whitish blue mist…

Battle Relics of Saipan – Follow Devon Pike as he explores Saipan and it’s hidden bunkers and relics

Saipan is the largest of the Northern Mariana Islands – though it’s hardly sprawling at just under 20 km in length and half that at…

Bringing history to light – Jersey War Tunnels part of the heaviest fortified island of WWII

The physical traces of the Channel Island of Jersey’s wartime occupation remain like battle scars on the landscape; concrete defences, bunkers, fortifications and tunnels. What…

A Chaplain at Belsen: Unseen Photos of ‘Hell on Earth’ by Tom Marshall

The temporary sign erected by the British shortly after the camp was liberated. The images contained in this article may be shocking, but are included…

Tinian Island: Bombs and Bunkers! By Devon Pike

We  took a trip back to Saipan and then on to the nearby island of Tinian from which the US operated the busiest airfield of…

MIA: No man left behind? Two B-24 crash sites off the northern Italian Coast – By Bill Beigel

Two crews from the 449th Bomb Group were lost 13 months apart; one in January of 1944; the other in February of 1945. Both went…

Remains of the German Radar Station near Brno – By Mike Dolezal

During World War II, the nowadays Czech republic saw field operations in 1945 when the country was liberated by the Red Army from east and…

Locating the crash site of Lancaster HK663, 195 Sqn – By Joop Hendrix Planehunters Recovery Team

Lancaster HK663 with it’s crew Until may 2014 the crash location of Lancaster HK 663 from 195 Sqn was not known, but in most literature “Holland” was…

The Battle for Berlin – A New Exhibition in St Petersburg

There aren’t many places in the world where the desire to keep the events of the second world war in the public consciousness are greater…

The search for 2 German Fighters That Crashed During Operation Bodenplatte – By Marcel Hermes

The search for two crashed German fighters, shot down over Veghel (Netherlands) on January 1st. 1945. Operation Bodenplatte On new years day 1945 the German Luftwaffe…