40 Before and After Pictures from the WW2 Atlantic Wall Museum

The Wall

The Atlantic Wall was an extensive system of coastal defence and fortifications built by Nazi Germany between 1942 and 1944 along the coast of continental Europe and Scandinavia as a defence against an anticipated Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe from Great Britain during World War II.

Hitler ordered the construction of the fortifications in 1942. Almost a million French workers were drafted to build it. The wall was frequently mentioned in Nazi propaganda, where its size and strength were usually exaggerated. The fortifications included colossal coastal guns, batteries, mortars, and artillery, and thousands of German troops were stationed in its defences. When the Allies eventually invaded the Normandy beaches in 1944, most of the defences were stormed within hours. Today, ruins of the wall exist in all of the nations where the wall was built, although many structures have fallen into the ocean or have been demolished over the years. [via]

The Atlantic Wall Museum

Atlantic Wall Museum Noordwijk, in the Netherlands, preserves and is housed within a surviving section of the wall, consisting of bunkers, preserved rooms, long sections of corridor and many artifacts. War History Online is proud to present this collection of photographs from the Museum Atlantikwall Noordwijk. Here you can see many examples of how parts of the complex looked before and after renovations to turn it into a working museum. It certainly looks well worth a visit!

The entrance of complex, October 2004.
The entrance to the complex. October 2004.
The entrance nowadays.
The entrance nowadays.
A large landfill of sand.
A large landfill of sand.
An easy access.
An easy and nice access.
Dark and gray.
Dark and gray.
And white light.
Part of the Museum
The first door.
Working on the door.
De opvolger van staal.
The long corridor
A stairway to a dark place.
A stairway to a dark place.
A beautiful staircase entrance to the museum.
A beautiful staircase entrance to the museum.
A lot of graffiti inside.
A lot of graffiti inside.
Pure white.
Pure white.
Stucwerk flink beschadigd.
Damage to some walls
The counter with cash.
The counter at the entrance
The darkness.
The darkness.
The light.
The light.
An audit office with a big pile of sand.
An audit office with a big pile of sand.
A revamped audit with diorama.
A revamped audit with diorama.
Lots of water on the floor.
Lots of water on the floor.
No more water anymore, all is clean and dry.
No more water anymore, all is clean and dry.
A lot of space.
A lot of empty space.
And definitely less space after.
And definitely more densely after.
Blank walls and an empty room.
Raw walls and an empty room.
Walls with gun racks, gas mask cans, helmets and a furnished living room.
Walls with gun racks, gas mask cans, helmets and a furnished living room.
An aggregate-space filled with debris.
An aggregate-space filled with debris.
A full aggregate area with aggregate workbench and fuse box
A full aggregate area with aggregate workbench and fuse box
A view-window?
A view-window?
A rushing sea.
Rushing sea in front.
A second look left slot.
Second observation room.
They are still on watch.
They are still on watch.
Sand and barbed wire.
Sand and barbed wire.
View, windows and mouthpiece.
View, windows and mouthpiece.
Nothing here.
Nothing here.
'Soldiers' are provided in everything they had in 1944.
‘Soldiers’ are provided in everything they had in 1944.
The end?
The dead end?
Certainly not. An observation rangefinder.
Certainly not. An observation rangefinder.
Empty and raw place, march 2015.
Empty and raw spot. March 2015.
Roof above a fitted observation spot, May 2016
Roof above a fitted observation spot. May 2016

Credit for all photographs – Museum Atlantikwall Noordwijk

Damian Lucjan

Damian is a history geek that’s working for War History Online for almost a decade. He can talk about the history and its chain of events for hours and is 100% legit fun at parties. Aside of history, geography and etymology of all things are no less exciting for him! An avid video game player, meme distributor, and your comment section moderator all in one. Mythologies of all cultures are fascinating to him, Greek, Nordic, Slavic – you name it, and he’s in!

In his spare time, assuming he has some left, he gives it all to his family, enjoying morning walks, a good book, an exciting FPS, and a long nap…or a few. Definitely a cat person.