Archeaologists Unearth Skeletal Remains from a Warsaw Ghetto

Times of Israel reports that Archaeologists in Warsaw found bits and pieces of human remains that were probably buried there during the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

On Monday, December 9, 2013, archaeologists were sifting through the archive of the Jewish socialist party Bund in a basement of a house on Swietojerska Street. There they found a skull, arm bones, and leg bones. The police will examine the remains at a later date. In the past few days, the archaeologists came across a sewing kit, a loaf of bread and a bowl of groats. These items are on the site of the former home was turned into the park, Krasinki Garden. The site is located near a WWII era Jewish ghetto, but it was not a part of it.

The Bund archive has been hidden by Marek Edelman, a party activist, in the homes basement. During the uprising, the home was destroyed and the area was later included in the creation of the park area.


Evette Champion

Evette Champion is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE