The Dogs of the Great War: Discovering their Secret History

The adage “Dogs are men’s best friends” can be seen throughout history, even during the world’s two major conflicts. Even during the First World War, dogs acted as both workers and companions both in the front lines and in the home front.

They buoyed the spirits in those weary, war-torn times and even maintained the ideals of sacrifice and loyalty. However, during the Great War, which dog would have been preferred by families — a Terrier or a Dachshund?

Know this and more on March 26, Thursday, as Dr. Philip Howell, a Victorian and Edwardian Britain expert and a senior lecturer at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Geography, talks about the plight of dogs during the Great War not just in the front lines but also in the British home front.

Discover how our faithful canine friends became vulnerable — how certain breeds became unpopular among Britons and how in one time, keeping dogs were considered an unpatriotic act as food became sparse and bomb threats loomed heavily in the air.

The talk Dogs and the Home Front will take place in Bishopsgate Institute on the above-mentioned date at 7:30 PM. Tickets are sold at £9 for adults and £7 concessions. Furthermore, there is an ongoing exhibit at the Bishopgate Institute Library – Dogs of the First World War – which is free for everybody and is open until the 26th of June this year.

Heziel Pitogo

Heziel Pitogo is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE